Are all those thoughts STRESSING you OUT?

No doubt, the mind is fascinating. Most of the time we do not pay very close attention to our thoughts. However, studies show we have something like 40,000 – 60,000 thoughts a day. Numbers will vary according to the information or study you are reading. However, even if we cut those numbers in half, it is still an incredible amount of thinking we are doing! And if we drill that down, its something like 38 -40 thoughts per minute.
What is even more fascinating is that those are the same thoughts, we had yesterday, and the week before, and the month before…….So, is all that thinking and all those thoughts helping or, could they be stressing us?

Okay, so lets look at this a little closer. We have one mind, but 2 parts. The left brain, or what we will call the “thinking mind” is the part of us that is rational, judgmental, analytical, and critical. The part of you that gets you to work on time, buys groceries, balances your checkbook, works out. This is your conscious mind and this is the part of the mind that most everyone believes is in charge. Now, enter the right brain, or the “feeling mind”, this is the one associated with your subconscious mind. This is where you habits live, your imagination, beliefs, creativity, feelings, emotions, daydreaming, intuition…I could keep going, but I think you are getting the message. The MASTER of you is the subconscious mind. It is taking orders from the conscious mind. Now, here is another bit of interesting information about the thinking (conscious) mind and the feeling (subconscious) mind. The thinking mind does not FEEL and the feeling mind does not THINK. But they communicate. How? you might say. Through images, imagery, symbols, and pictures. So you see, the place where we create change, in fact, all change, including manifesting takes place in the “feeling” or subconscious mind.

One very important thing to note is that when your conscious mind and your subconscious mind are in agreement, there is no doubt you will be successful with the change you are wanting to bring into your life!

Now, back to all those thoughts. In today’s world we are over taxing our left brain, “thinking mind”. All the emails, phone calls, text messages, our technology driven world has driven us more to the left analytical brain. That brings on mental fatigue. Yes, it is likely that all that thinking is adding additional stress to our hectic busy technology driven lives!

So here is my suggestion. At least a couple of times a day, stop what you are doing. Close your eyes, connect with your breath. Take slow easy breaths. Listen to the sound of your breath, that means you will need to be in a quiet environment.
Next, imagine a calm place, a water fall, a green lush forest, a sandy beach, whatever your special quiet refuge might be. Mine is always a small stream of water that is flowing. The point is that you are disconnecting from the overwhelming number of thoughts that clutter the mind. You see the mind and the breath are intimately linked together. You can control your mind, using your breath. In Yoga, this is called pranayama or breath work. The Yogi’s knew and understood the secrets of using the breath to control the mind. In fact studies have been done to also understand how they could control their body temperature in freezing cold weather. Perhaps we could be happy just to use our breath to de-stress us from all those random and useless thoughts!

The Einstein in You

albert-einstein-428957_640Now as you read the title you are probably thinking, who me? I’m no Einstein.  But that is only a self-limiting thought or belief.  That is your conscious mind playing an old recording.  You see your conscious mind is the part of your mind that is critical, analyzing, judgmental and technical.  It’s great for getting us to work, navigating traffic, balancing the checkbook, buying groceries, etc. When you are having negative thoughts, being critical of yourself that is your conscious mind doing the job it does best.  It’s your sub-conscious mind that actually holds more real estate than your conscious mind.  By that I mean, your conscious mind occupies 10%, while your sub-conscious mind occupies a whopping 90%.  All of your habits along with your stored memories reside in your sub-conscious mind.  You can think of your sub-conscious mind as something like a vast video library which contains everything that has happened in your entire life!  It is the most intelligent computer in the world. Now, that can take a minute or so to wrap your mind around. The sub-conscious mind is the part of your mind that we are working with in Hypnosis. Remember, when you were a child?  Your imagination played a very important part in your life.  I know mine did.  I’ve always had a love for animals.  When I was a child, very young, I remember having a Zoo.  I had all the animals I wanted and I could see and hear them.  Of course, all of this lived in my imagination, but I still remember it, just as if it were yesterday.  And that is what I mean when I say the sub-conscious mind records all our experiences.  As we grow into adults we begin to push our imagination to the side.  We don’t allow ourselves (the mind) to play in the land of imagination so much and we begin to buy into self limiting beliefs and habits.  Negative habits creep in and begin to take their toll in one way or another.  But, just as you have a negative habit, you can replace it with a positive habit.  I am not saying it is easy, I am saying YOU can do it.

Hypnosis can you help you turn you negative habits into positive ones. What area of life is challenging for you? Whether it is losing weight, stop smoking, overcome a fear of flying, overcome fear of public speaking, (just to name a few) hypnosis is a powerful tool to help you release negative programming and replace it with positive programming.

Einstein understood the power of imagination.  He described how he thought, and it wasn’t in terms of mathematical equations.  It was images and feelings.

He had what he called “thought” experiments.  He was tapping into his sub-conscious mind.  Yes, Einstein knew the power of the sub-conscious mind.

Through his understanding and use of these “thought” experiments he brought the world the theory of relativity.  And it forever secured him a place in history as revolutionizing scientific thought.

Perhaps its time for you to play again in the field of imagination, its easy. Take a few minutes every day, close your eyes and allow your mind to drift…..

Your imagination is the key to unlocking your potential.

Are you ready to access the Einstein in you?

“Imagination is more important than knowledge”. Einstein





Your Sleep & Your Weight

sleeping-manIn case you have not noticed we live in a “sleep deprived” world. The CDC (Center for Disease Control) says that 50-70 million Americans are experiencing some kind sleep or waking disorder. All kinds of chronic illnesses are taking their toll on our health. Hypertension, diabetes, obesity, depression are all connected to loss of sleep. (Actually that is the short list). Research is providing evidence that lack of sleep affects our hormone production which in turn affects our appetite. Basically, losing sleep can mean weight gain and can lead to obesity.

Here are some suggestions for helping you catch some zzz’s.

  1. Disconnect from your computer 1 hour prior to bedtime.
  2. Turn off your mobile phone 1 hour prior to bedtime.
  3. A cup of warm tea before bedtime is very relaxing.
  4. Avoid alcohol or caffeine.
  5. Going to bed and waking the same times daily.

If this list seems a little too overwhelming, baby step it. Choose one or two that you feel are right and then slowly integrate them all into you evening routine.

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